Jiřína Nekolová

Jiřína Nekolová
Personal information
Full name Jiřína Nekolová
Country represented  Czechoslovakia
Born December 30, 1931(1931-12-30)
Died May 25, 2011 (2011-05-25) (age 0)

Jiřína Nekolová (born December 30, 1931 in Prague; died May 25, 2011 in Kolin, Czech Republic) is a Czech figure skater who competed for Czechoslovakia. She is the 1948 World bronze medalist. She competed at the 1948 Winter Olympics and placed 4th.


Event 1947 1948 1949 1950
Winter Olympics 4th
World Championships 10th 3rd 4th 8th
European Championships 5th 4th 4th

Jirina Nekolova was born 22 November 1926 in Beroun, Czech Republic,
